Questions & Answers

Am I covered by my insurance?MORE
Every insurance plan offers different benefits. Some plans cover acupuncture and others don’t, even when it is the same insurance carrier. If your insurance plan covers acupuncture and it is not one of the plans we are contracted to bill directly, we require that you pay in full on the day of your visit. We can provide the documents you will need to seek reimbursement from your insurance company. We recommend that you call the number listed on the back of your insurance card and use our insurance verification form when you contact your insurance company regarding acupuncture benefits.
The following are the insurance plans we can bill for you:
Mission Hospital & CarePartners Crescent Health Solutions
The acupuncturists at the Chinese Acupuncture & Herbology Clinic are in-network providers with Crescent Health Solutions. Co-Insurance and deductibles vary with each health plan. These details can be found by calling the customer service number on the back of your card or talking to the HR department of your employer’s HR department. If further help is needed we are happy to assist you.
Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC)
We accept referrals for outpatient acupuncture treatment from the VAMC. We can only provide treatment and bill the VA medical plan for the treatments with a referral from the VAMC. If you are a veteran and do not have a referral from the VAMC, payment for acupuncture treatment is expected at the time of service.
Personal Injury Claims
The Chinese Acupuncture and Herbology Clinic will only bill the insurance for a personal injury claim when preauthorization from the insurer and a medical lien have been obtained from the insurance company and the legal representative involved with the claim.
Worker's Compensation Claims
The Chinese Acupuncture and Herbology Clinic will only bill the insurance of a worker's compensation claim after preauthorization has been received from the worker's compensation case manager and guarantor.
Fertility enhancement
How long will it take to get pregnant?MORE
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are gentle, yet powerful therapies that can balance the body’s hormones, reduce the physical impact of stress, and enhance the regenerative process that occurs during deep sleep. -
Can my husband benefit from treatment?MORE
Yes. Acupuncture and Oriental medicine can also help improve sperm quality and motility. -
Can I do IVF, IUI, or Clomid in combination with acupuncture?MORE
Yes. Acupuncture will not interfere with conventional reproductive therapies. On the contrary, research has shown it can improve the efficacy of conventional reproductive therapies.
Do I need to use herbal medicine with acupuncture to help if I get pregnant? MORE
Combining herbs and acupuncture with dietary and lifestyle changes takes advantage of all the fertility enhancement resources acupuncture and Chinese medicine have to offer. We highly recommend using a combination of these therapies. -
If I am combining conventional reproductive therapies with acupuncture and Chinese medicine, should I wait until my conventional reproductive therapy begins before starting acupuncture?MORE
No. Utilizing Chinese medicine before starting conventional reproductive hormone therapy can improve the chances of achieving a pregnancy. Using Chinese herbal therapies requires our licensed acupuncturists to carefully consider the individual and all treatments he/she is receiving, whether pharmaceutical, Western interventions, or other complementary care, in order to properly formulate a plan for treating infertility for the patient and his or her family.
Acupuncture is proven to alleviate pain in a variety of contexts.MORE
American Pain Foundation estimates that approximately 23 percent of American adults suffer from pain at least once in their lifetime. Approximately $560 to $630 billion dollars was spent in the United States in 2010 for medical costs associated with pain. For centuries, Chinese medicine has been successfully treating pain by using acupuncture and herbal medicines without the side effects that many pain medications have. Western science has found acupuncture to have specific physiological effects such as increasing endogenous opiates, endorphins, and enkephalins that help reduce pain and inflammation, and help speed recovery time. -
How many treatments will it take?MORE
The number of treatments needed tends to vary significantly. The most current research on chronic pain and acupuncture has found that chronic pain sufferers benefit from two to three treatments per week. A typical course of treatment is 8–10 biweekly visits with a gradual reduction in frequency of treatments as symptoms improve. A treatment plan will be discussed and developed as part of your first visit. Diet and lifestyle will also impact your treatment and your practitioner will talk with you about these as well. -
Will herbal medicine be useful?MORE
Yes. There are numerous herbal formulations that can be administered orally or topically that effectively treat pain and the associated symptoms such as redness, swelling, and bruising, when present. -
What type of herbs may be useful?MORE
Traditionally, herbs are prepared as teas. However, there are also many pill formulas, plasters, liniments, and ointments that are available. You may discuss the best options for you with your practitioner.
Can acupuncture treat acute sprains and strains?MORE
Yes. Acupuncture is exceptionally effective at treating acute and chronic conditions. Sprains and strains tend to resolve within two to four consecutive treatments. -
What kind of pain problems does acupuncture treat?MORE
Acupuncture treats all kinds of sport injuries and musculoskeletal-related pain issues. This includes, but is not limited to, back pain of all types, including the pain associated with spinal vertebral herniations, spinal stenosis, and arthritis.
Can acupuncture treat my migraine headaches?MORE
Yes. Acupuncture is very effective in treating all kinds of headaches with the exception of cluster headaches. -
What other pain issues can acupuncture treat?MORE
Acupuncture has proven effective in treating TMJ, trigeminal neuralgia, peripheral neuropathy, digestive pain, gynecological-related pain, and many other conditions.
Respiratory Conditions
Can Chinese medicine help asthma?MORE
Asthma can be a response to a local pathogen, whether bacterial, fungal, or viral, that could lead to asthma if not treated properly. When this occurs, it is common to have chronic asthma. Chinese medicine can successfully treat childhood as well as adult asthma. Acupuncture has a written history of successful treatment of this condition for more than 2,000 years. -
What about seasonal allergies?MORE
Chinese medicine has been shown to effectively treat seasonal allergies. Patients who come to the Chinese Acupuncture and Herbology Clinic for other conditions often remark that their allergies have improved, even when this was not the focus of the treatments. This illustrates that the effects of acupuncture are not limited to the chief complaint; Chinese medicine impacts one’s health overall. Allergy treatments are addressed differently, depending on whether one is experiencing acute distress or is in between seasonal episodes and exhibiting symptoms at a given point in time. -
What about someone with constant respiratory illnesses?MORE
When the lung Qi has been compromised, our body’s ability to ward off illness has been compromised. Our first level of defense against illness lies in the lungs. If something has impacted your lung Qi, or you are constantly being exposed to a pathogen, this can lead to poor health. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help to strengthen the lung Qi in order to bring balance and to prevent the recurrence of these conditions.
Will acupuncture negatively impact my chemotherapy treatments?MORE
Acupuncture will not interfere with one’s chemotherapy treatments. It is important to share with your licensed acupuncturist every pharmaceutical drug that you are taking, along with any supplements. At your first visit, we will evaluate any supplements that you have been taking to ensure that they complement your other treatments. -
I have developed peripheral neuropathy. Can acupuncture help with this side effect?MORE
Acupuncture is used for treating all types of peripheral neuropathy. Please mention this immediately to your licensed acupuncturist if you begin to experience the effects of peripheral neuropathy. The sooner you begin treatment with acupuncture for peripheral neuropathy, the better your results will be.
How many treatments will it take? MORE
Menopause is a complex process that occurs differently for each woman. Some suffer with strong symptoms and others barely notice the change as they transition through. A typical course of treatment is 6–10 weekly visits with a gradual reduction in frequency of treatments as symptoms improve. A treatment plan will be discussed and developed as part of your first visit. Diet and lifestyle will also impact your treatment and your practitioner will talk with you about these as well. -
Will herbal medicine be useful?MORE
Yes. Because menopause is associated with a temporary and relative deficiency of yin and yang in the body, it is helpful to treat the conditions with acupuncture and herbs. -
What type of herbs may be useful?MORE
Traditionally, herbs are prepared as teas. However, there are also many pill formulas available. You may discuss the best options for you with your practitioner.
How many treatments will it take? MORE
A typical course of treatment is 6–10 weekly visits with a gradual reduction in frequency of treatments as symptoms improve. A treatment plan will be discussed and developed as part of your first visit. Treatments are often timed to coincide with your cycle, perhaps emphasizing treatment in the two weeks leading up to menstruation. Diet and lifestyle will also impact your treatment and your practitioner will talk with you about these as well. -
Will herbal medicine be useful?MORE
Yes. Chinese herbal medicine is particularly effective in the treatment of PMS, with some of the mostly widely used and effective formulas being employed for this purpose. Herbs are useful for allowing free movement of Qi and blood. Herbs can help relieve pain and tension associated with PMS.
What type of herbs may be useful?MORE
Traditionally, herbs are prepared as teas. However, there are also many pill formulas available. You can discuss the best options for you with your practitioner.
How do you perform acupuncture on children?MORE
Children’s acupuncture treatments are different from adult treatments; fewer acupuncture points are needed and the retention of the needle is not as long. For children under one year old, the acupuncture point may just be stimulated by the needle and removed. Needles are typically retained in accordance with the child’s age. The treatment can occur with the child in the parent’s lap, sitting in a chair, or lying down. -
What age children do you treat?MORE
We treat newborns to teenaged children.
How frequently will they need treatment?MORE
Frequency of treatment depends on the severity and duration of the illness. Treatments are more frequent for more severe or acute illnesses. A treatment plan, including the frequency of treatments, will be determined at the child’s first visit. -
How do you get kids to take herbal medicine?MORE
Our clinic provides a liquid, tinctured concentrate of herbal medicine, which is the most convenient method for children. In some cases, custom tinctures are made for individual children. Pills, powdered formulas, and teas are other forms of herbs that are appropriate for children. Essential oils that are used internally and externally are an additional method of providing herbal medicine to children.
What kind of conditions do you treat in children?MORE
Our clinic treats a wide range of pediatric conditions including early childhood infectious disease. Common conditions we see include digestive distress, hyperactivity, autism, allergies, and frequent colds. We also treat children that do not have a primary complaint. Acupuncture is an effective way to promote optimal health in both children and adults. -
How do children react to acupuncture?MORE
Children respond rapidly to acupuncture. Typically, the child will experience relief of symptoms, have a more even temperament, and benefit from more restful sleep. Children frequently walk away from the treatment feeling proud about the experience.
Is there any research that supports the safety of acupuncture for children?MORE
Yes. In November of 2011, The American Journal of Pediatrics published a systemic review on the safety of acupuncture for children. The conclusion was that acupuncture is safe when performed by an appropriately trained practitioner.
Pediatrics, Volume 128 Number 6, December 2011.
“The Safety of Pediatric Acupuncture: A Systematic Review ”
Denise Adams, PhD, Florence Cheng, MD, Hsing Jou, MD, Steven Aung, MD, PhD, Yutaka Yasui, PhD, and Sunita Vohra, MD, MSc
Pediatrics Nov 21, 2011. doi: 10.1542/peds.2011-1091
What if I am always waking up at the same time?MORE
From a Chinese perspective, the time that one awakens during the night is an important clue about overall health. All the meridians and organ systems have peak times of the day and night when they are most active or most quiet. The times that you awaken can point to an imbalance in certain meridian systems. For example, many people wake between one and three o’clock in the morning. This is a time when the energy of our liver meridian is active. By addressing the energies of the liver system, or the system that is regularly impacting our rest, sleep can be improved. -
How can lifestyle affect one’s sleep?MORE
Stress impacts not only our emotional body, but influences our physical health and our sleep as well. When we sleep at night, our body actually rests best if we have adequate resources for it to draw upon. So a practitioner will ask about your lifestyle, stressors at home, activity levels, and nutrition.
Are there herbal medicines that can help me sleep?MORE
Yes. Herbal medicines can often help with sleep. Once the nature of the sleep imbalance has been identified, herbs can be prescribed that address the underlying imbalances. Used alongside acupuncture treatments, sleep can often be improved dramatically.
Digestive Health
How often do I need to have treatments?MORE
Digestive conditions can often be addressed through weekly treatments of acupuncture. Once a diagnosis is made, herbs may also be prescribed. Also one’s nutrition plan, as well as stress factors in an individual’s life, can be areas of focus. As all of these are brought into awareness and addressed, changes occur within the body. These changes may occur immediately, and you will begin to notice changes in the presentation of your symptoms. Your body will become more harmonious while eating and processing food. You should begin to see a difference no later than the third treatment. -
Will your practitioners direct dietary changes?MORE
What we eat has a huge impact on how our body processes nutrients. There are many different diets or ways of eating based on culture, philosophy, and taste. You will be asked to fill out a food journal of what foods and drinks you take into your body. Some of your diets may need to be modified for your body type, from the perspective of Chinese medicine. We will advise you on foods and work with you on finding a diet that supports your overall health and wellbeing.
I have never had a good appetite. Are there treatments that can help to improve my appetite?MORE
Food and eating are complex issues. They often involve our feelings about food, the patterns we developed as children, and how we have assimilated these beliefs in our adult lives. Our culture and religion can influence our food choices. Our eating habits—whether we eat on the go or sitting down at a table—as well as stress levels are all factors that affect our feelings around eating and our digestive health. So your appetite is actually the result of a complex system, involving a lot of different elements. By looking at these elements, and getting treatments to harmonize the body systems, your appetite can often change significantly.
Men’s Health: Prostate Conditions
How does Chinese medicine address prostate conditions?MORE
Chinese medicine can help relieve symptoms associated with benign prostatic hypertrophy or prostatitis by removing the underlying causes of symptoms. Although many energetic patterns can be involved in these conditions, Chinese medicine often focuses on two main channels.
The liver channel flows through the lower abdomen and genital region and greatly affects reproductive health. Stress, poor diet, alcohol, recreational drugs, and lack of exercise can cause the liver Qi to become stagnant, resulting in a lack of necessary circulation to the organs. The kidney energy governs sexual and reproductive functions. Kidney energy can decrease due to the normal aging process, overworking, and excessive sexual activity, resulting in fluid retention or decreased function and blood flow. -
What does treatment for prostate conditions involve?MORE
As part of your medical intake interview, your acupuncturist will discuss not only the symptoms you are having related to the prostate, but also your health in general. Although a Western diagnosis is helpful, your practitioner will be treating you based on your individual patterns of disharmony (i.e., your Chinese medicine diagnosis). Based on that diagnosis, your practitioner will design a treatment plan that may include acupuncture, herbal formulas, and diet and lifestyle changes.
Your practitioner will assess your overall health and determine the number of treatments needed. Typically, it is recommended that a patient come for treatment once or twice per week while symptoms are obvious. After symptoms begin to resolve, the visits will become less frequent. -
Should I continue to have regular PSA screenings and check-ups?MORE
The PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test measures the levels of PSA in the blood, a substance the prostate secretes. High levels of PSA—usually 4.0 ng/mL or higher—can indicate the presence of prostatitis, enlarged prostate, or prostate cancer.
The PSA test can provide a measure of how well you are responding to acupuncture treatment, but we know the PSA screening is not perfect. There has been long-standing debate surrounding its use in routine testing. The PSA test often produces false-positive results, sometimes misses cancer, and sometimes it finds something suspicious that turns out to be harmless. Also, the PSA test is unable to determine the difference between aggressive and benign prostate cancers.
All things considered, we are most concerned with how you are feeling and how your signs and symptoms are improving. However, the PSA test can provide us with additional information that can be helpful in guiding your treatment.